Written by the Orchestra Blog Team members:
Juliette Fang and Faith Harnanto

Music Camp

Fall String Concert
You get to play every day in Arcadia’s Performing Arts Center.
Spacious main orchestra room with the comfiest chairs on campus
3 soundproof practice rooms
The state of the art Performing Arts Center (PAC) makes concerts feel very professional
Perform a wide range of repertoire throughout the four main concerts (including the chance to choose your own!).
Fall: Classical, Spooky
Winter: Holiday music from various origins
Last Christmas, Frozen, Home Alone, Traditional Carols
Orchestra Benefit Dinner (OBD): Chamber group recitals and all orchestras playing the same music together
Previous themes: Circus, Pirates, Steampunk
“I enjoyed preparing for the recitals [and] I made connections with people I never would have talked to” – Piper Moore, 9
Spring: Classical
Pops: Movie/game soundtracks and popular lyric songs
Olivia Rodrigo, The Legend of Zelda, Demon Slayer, The Weekend, Genshin Impact
Form lifelong memories in our many school trips.
Disneyland - Perform or play in a real recording studio in a Disney Soundtrack Session
SCSBOA - Festival Competition held in March hosted at AHS.
WorldStrides - Festival Competition held around Spring break that includes an overnight trip.
Held in Orlando, Florida every 4 years (next one in 2027!)
“The memories I’ve made in Florida are also ones I’ll carry for years to come” – Cathleen Lu, 10
A week long trip, spending all day at Disney World and Universal Studios
Previous cities held in: San Diego, San Francisco
Make new friends and eat free food by attending our many after school socials.
Grade Socials
During lunch at the beginning of the school year, meet people in the same grade as you and collaborate in a bonding activity.
Fall Social
Participate in a costume contest, play games, and eat snacks.
Winter Social
Decorate ornaments and cookies, drink hot chocolate, and play more games
Movie Night Social
Play other instruments besides strings (i.e piano, percussion, and electric instruments)
Collaborate with Band, Percussion, and Choir
Get guidance throughout the ups and downs of freshman year with our Big/Little program.
Make close bonds with your standpartner
“My favorite part about being in orchestra is the people in it, from the directors to my peers, everyone is just so kind and I have made lifelong friends from joining orchestra” – Aubrey Lustana, 12