Lucas Oh
Concert/Symphony Historian
Lucas is a senior and plays violin in Symphony Orchestra. He is in charge of taking photos, creating videos, and managing the Media Team.
Fun fact: I can't use chopsticks
Stephanie Jing
Premier/String Historian
Stephanie is a junior and plays violin in String Orchestra. She is in charge of taking photos, creating videos, and managing the Media Team.
Fun fact:
Jackie Aguilar
Jackie is a junior and plays violin in String Orchestra. ​
Fun Fact: I have 14 elephant plushies!
Avani Athavale
Avani is a junior and plays bass in Symphony Orchestra.
Fun Fact: Autumn is my favorite season.
Angela Tan
Angela is a junior and plays bass in Premier Orchestra.​
Fun Fact: I've never been to Disneyland or Disney California Adventure but I have been to DisneyWorld.
Isaac Leung
Isaac Leung is a sophomore and plays viola in Concert Orchestra.
Fun Fact: I memorized the 197 UN member states and their flags. I also declared a country in my backyard.